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Name: McCLELLAN, John William Tyndale CMG
Nee: brother of 'Polly' Cave, wife of Basil Cave {Zanzibar}
Birth Date: 3.5.1865 Bottisham, Cambs.
Death Date: 28.11.1948 Hormanen, Kent
Nationality: British
First Date: 1895
Profession: Asst Collector EAP, PC 1911, Senior PC 1923, Movement of Masai.
Area: Malindi, Kismayu, Masailand, Lumbwa, Kisumu, Nairobi etc.HBEA 1912 - PC Naivasha, Kericho
Married: In Tonbridge 4.1.1908 Edith Doyle Sewell b. 4 Jan 1876, d. 2 May 1964 Tunbridge Wells
Children: St George Stephen Tyndale (23.4.1909 Nairobi-30 Dec 1938 Grindelwald); John Eric (3 Mar 1915 Naivasha-2013)
Book Reference: Freeland, Gillett, HBEA, Permanent Way, Kenya Diary, Debrett, EAHB 1905, KAD, Red 25, EAS, Hut, North, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, Red 22, EAHB 1906, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19
School: Malvern College and Royal Agricultural College
General Information:
IBEA representative at Lamu at the time of the arrival of the notorious 'Freelanders'. A young Scot who was utterly perplexed as to how he should deal with the invasion.
Permanent Way - 'the first house occupied by His Majesty's Commissioner, Sir Charles Eliot, in Nairobi, was a 3 roomed wood and iron bungalow. This 'Government House' had first been used, towards the end of 1900, by Mr J.W.T. McClellan, then District Officer of Masai and Kikuyu. Previously he had lived in a tent, within a camp stockaded against possible Masai raids which never came …'
Kenya Diary - Apr. 1906 .... at Mwatate I found my old friend McClellan in bed with fever, but he kindly insisted on being his guest.
Debrett - appointed Assist. Dist. Officer British EA Protectorate 1895, Collector 1900, and Provincial Commr. 1910; retired from Civil Ser., Kenya Colony 1923
EAHB 1905 - Assistant District Officer, EAP, Oct. 4th 1895; Jan to June 1896, Mbaruk rebellion, Rabai, Mwele Medal; July to Nov., Acting Collector, Malindi; Mar. to Oct. 1897, Vanga; April 1898 to March 1900, Gosha, Kismayu; Somali rebellion medal, 1898; Collector, July 5th 1900; Masailand, Oct. 1900; Lumbwa, April 1903; Tramway charge of Kisumu Province, Dec, 1903.
KAD 1922 - Senior Commissioner and Senior Resident Magistrate, Mombasa
Red 25 - Chairman, Municipal Committee, Nairobi 1909
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa
North - Asst. Collector EAP; Arr. Zanzibar Nov 1895; Member of proposed EA Volunteer Force 9/10/1896, Mombasa; Acting District Officer Wasin March 1897; Asst. Collector Kismayu Nov 1898, Jun. Dec. 1899; home leave 1900; Appt. Collector Masailand & District, Ukamba Province 2/5/1900 based in Nairobi; Collector at Kericho Oct. 1903
Cave - {Masai} - They all seem devoted to Mr McClellan. It is marvellous what a decent Englishman can do in East Africa. When we got back Mr McClellan had to go off with his Masai police; they all looked so happy riding off with him, with red pennants flying from their spears.
EAS - 29/1/1903 - Nairobi Races - ….. Thanks to Mr J.W.T. McClelland …. Acted as starter assisted by Mr G. Wilson (Asst. Traffic Manager)
Nicholls - J.W.T. McClellan - a Government official killed by a lion near Rumuruti in 1911 ?
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as District Officer
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as Committee member of the East Africa Agricultural and Horticultural Society - Established 1901
EA Diary 1903 - EA Protectorate Sept 1895; Jan-June 1896, Mbaruk rebellion, Rabai Mwele medal; July to Nov Acting Collector, Malindi; March to October 1897, Wanga; April 1898 to March 1900, Gasha, Kismayu, Somali Rebellion medal 1898; October 1900; Collector Masailand
EAHB 1907 - Acting Sub-Commissioner Naivasha Province July 1904 to June 1905; Acting Sub-Commissioner Lamu Jun 28 1906
Red Book 1912 - J.W.T. McClellan - Fort Hall - Naivasha Province - PC at Naivasha
Kenya Diary - May 1904 - acting Sub-Commissioner Kisumu.
EAHB 1905 - Collector, Nairobi.
Red 25 - Left Provincial Administration 1923
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