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Name: McCLURE, Andrew BA(Oxon)
Birth Date: 6 July 1878 Weston super Mare
Death Date: 15 Mar 1945 Oxford
First Date: 1906
Profession: Joined PWD Uganda, Zanzibar 1919/24, Uganda Dir. Public Works 1924/29. Assistant D.P.W. Uganda 1906; Ag. D.P.W. 1906 and 1910-11. D.P.W. Zanzibar 1920-24
Area: Uganda, Zanzibar
Married: 1907 Ethel Gertrude Mary Morley b. 3 Jan 1881 Windsor, d. 26 Dec 1963 Tonbridge
Children: Andrew McDonnell (8.3.1908 Entebbe-22 Oct 1983 Heslington,York); Alison Carr (3.12.1910 Entebbe-30 July 2002 Tunbridge Wells); John Aylmer (26 May 1914 Entebbe-2001 South Hams, Devon)
Book Reference: Gillett, Red 25, Drumkey, Red 22, UJ, EAHB 1907, Leader14
War Service: Served in SA War 1900 (King's medal with 4 clasps)
School: Wadham College, Oxford
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