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Name: BARLOW, Abraham
Birth Date: 1868
First Date: 1907
Profession: Civil Servant in the Registrar of Documents Office, Nairobi, he later became African Poll Tax Collector, Mombasa. He ran the 'Mombasa House' Boarding House in Kilindini Road for several years.
Area: Nairobi, Mombasa
Married: Nina b. 1885
Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Red 22, Gazette, Harmony, Red Book 1912, Red 19
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Mombasa - DC's Office
Member of Harmony Lodge - Initiated 4/7/10, age 42
Red Book 1912 - A. Barlow - Nairobi
Red Book 1919 - Non Native Poll-Tax Clerk - Mombasa - A. Barlow