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Name: CRABTREE, Cyril Reginald
Birth Date: 25 Jan 1893 Cardiff
Death Date: 15 Oct 1956 Cardiff
First Date: 1925
Profession: KUR engine driver
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Cardiff 1920 Martha Jane Gilliland b. 8 Apr 1893 Bristol. d. 1947 Cardiff
Children: Robert J. (9 June 1922); Margaret P. (Hillier) (19 May 1925); Peter E. (14 May 1930)
Book Reference: Red 31
General Information:
Gazette - 23/12/1925 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Loco Driver, Ug. Rly. - C.R. Crabtree
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife and children in Cardiff as workshop foreman