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Name: ODENDAAL, Samuel Jacobus
Nee: son of Jacobus
Birth Date: 10.8.1887 Riversdale, Cape Province
First Date: 1910
Profession: Farmer at Ol Kalou
Area: 1922 Gilgil, 1925 Gilgil, Hut 1919 Farm 43 Eldoret, 1935 Rumuruti
Married: Hetty Albertina Ulyate b. 1898 Swavelport, Pretoria, d. 15 Jan 1960 Ol Kalou
Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Red 22, Medals
War Service: Served with EAMR - D Sqdn. 7/8/14 - 21/1/15 - To EATC, and the Belfield Scouts from 1914-18
General Information:
Medals - Belfield's Scouts - Samuel J. Odendaal, EAMR, No. 317, Private
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List - farmer, T. Falls