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Name: ORDE-BROWNE, Granville St. John OBE (Mil.), Sir
Birth Date: 26 Oct 1883 Woolwich
Death Date: 12 May 1947 London
First Date: 1909
Profession: Joined EA Administration Service and became DC. Later Senior PC Tanganyika
Area: HBEA 1912 ADC
Married: In Amersham 1923 Margaret Florence Fearnley-Whittingstall b. 5 Mar 1897 Eaton, London, d. 1 Jan 1978 Aylesbury, Bucks.
Children: Margaret Rosemary (12 July 1924 Amersham-2000 Bullingdon); ; Anne H. (Lyster) (1927 Amersham-2 Feb 2008 Brockenhurst); another dau.
Author: Vanishing Tribes of Kenya
Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Red 25, Red 22, Witchmen, Leader14, Chandler, Red Book 1912, LG, Red 19
School: Wellington College, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
General Information:
Red 25 - Senior Commissioner, Tanganyika Territory. 4 mentions in despatches; FRGS, FRAI, FZS, Fellow of the American Geographical Society, Membre de l'Institut d'Anthropologie Suisse, Major late Royal Artillery; formerly District Commissioner, Kenya Colony 1909
Witchmen - Embu - the first British administrator of this region was G. St. J. Orde-Browne. Like Horne and many others among the first generation of colonial administrators, Orde-Browne was entranced by the culture of the tribes with whom he had to work. He admired Horne's linguistic achievements among the Meru but found himself unable to match them because of dialectical differences that caused their "tongue to spring up anew"at every ridgetop. Nonetheless he threw himself enthusiastically into the task of learning all he could about the people he had come to rule. Tradition records Orde-Browne's arrival as a major event. Blanket chiefs from Cuka, Mwimbi, and Muthambi had been asked to send delegations of warriors, partially to honour his arrival but also to labor on constructing his stockade.
Following the tradition set by Horne, Orde-Browne appeared on a horse. He arrived at the head of a column composed of 300 Embu porters, a police detachment of Kamba, two British colonial officials, three Asians to supply the station, and the inevitable Gikuyu interpreter. Orde-Browne, later known to the peoples of his district as Kiraune, is remembered as a "senior warrior" (ie 28 to 30 years old), stout and clean shaven.
A serious man, he was extremely aware of the dignity inherent in his role as servant of the British king. Whereas Horne had come to power by his gun, however, Orde-Browne relied on a combination of a brass-bound medicine chest and his skill as a magician. "In dealing with primitive people", he wrote later, "it was important to impress them with the knowledge and power of the white man." For Browne this meant that his first encampment became "a little like a circus, with various entertainments taking place, magic lanterns, fireworks, looking glasses, all served as great attractions. While the solid good work of the medicine chest could be backed up with …….. Conjuring tricks."
Chandler - In WW1 mentioned in despatches 4 times. He was a DC in Kenya in 1909, a PC in Tanganyika Territory in the 1920s, and British Resident in the Cameroons 1929-32.
Red Book 1912 - G. St. J. O. Browne - Embu - Kenya Province - Asst. DC at Embu London
Gazette - 7 February 1919 - OBE for valuable services rendered in connection with military operations in East Africa - T/Major Granville St. John Orde-Browne, RA
1939 England and Wales Register living in Wycombe, Bucks. with family as 'Civil Servant (Colonial Office)'