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Name: MACPHERSON, Robert (Rev.)
Birth Date: 12 Mar 1904 Helmsdale, Sutherland
Death Date: 1984 Dunfermline, buried in Helmsdale cemetery
First Date: 1925
Profession: Church of Scotland Mission missionary
Area: Kikuyu
Married: 1. At Kambui 14 Aug 1930 Alta Ingersoll Knapp b. 6.5.1905, Kiambu, d. 19.3.1942 Tumutumu, dau of Rev William Knapp; 2. Ena Hood b. 1905 Forres, Moray, Scotland, d. 11 Oct 1984 Dunfermline
Children: 1. Margaret (1932); Myrtle (1933) 2. Isobel Janet (1946); Elspeth Mary (Glasgow) (8 July 1948 Eastbourne)
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Chogoria, Foster
General Information:
Chogoria - In August 1930 the educational staff was strengthened by the arrival of Robert Macpherson to be headmaster of the school at Chogoria and supervisor of the outschools. He had originally been appointed as an educational missionary to Kikuyu in 1924 after 3 years' training at Aberdeen Teacher Training College. He was a tall, gentle, wise and scholarly man who was to serve as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa from 1958 to 1961 and in 1970 was to write the history of that Church. He had served at Kikuyu and then at Kambui and just prior to his transfer to Chogoria he married Miss Alta Knapp on August 14th at Kambui. Miss Knapp was the daughter of the Revd. and Mrs William P. Knapp who were the pioneer missionaries of the Gospel Missionary Society of America at Kambui in Kiambu District.
Chogoria - Robert Macpherson and his family left [Chogoria] in 1940
Hut has CMS, went to TumuTumu