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Name: OWEN-PRICHARD, William E. (Dr.)

Birth Date: 21.10.1875 Penmachno, Anglesey

Death Date: 21.9.1948 Clewer, Surrey

Nationality: British

First Date: 1903

Profession: Medical Officer

Area: Kismayu, 1912 Fort Hall, Nairobi

Married: In Nairobi 10.10.1908 Mrs Helen Violet Cockerell née Montgomery b.4.10.1876 Jhelum, India, d. 24 Oct 1959 Chelsea (widow of Robert Rennie Pepys Cockerell 1869-1902)

Children: Richard Owen Forsyth Prichard (1915)

Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Kenya Diary, EAHB 1905, Hut, North, Drumkey, Carman, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, Gazette, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Red 19

War Service: E Af Med Services

School: LRCP and S (Edin), LFPS (Glas)

General Information:

Drumkey 1909 - Medical Dept. - Medical Officer, Nairobi - 1904
Advertiser - 16/10/1908 - Wedding - 10 October at St. Stephen's Nairobi - William Owen Prichard [sic] MRCS, LRCP and Helen Violet widow of the late Robert Rennie Pepys Cockerell
Advertiser - 27/11/08 - Nakuru Agricultural Show - donation from - Mrs V. Prichard
Advertiser - 23/4/1909 - East African Nursing Association - On May 1st Mrs Armitstead, Nairobi, will act as Hon. Sec. To the above, in place of Mrs Prichard who resigns on her departure for England.
Gazette - 7/1/14 - Dr. William Owen Prichard [sic] - appt. Senior MO
Gazette - 23/9/1914 - Appt. - To be Captain, East Africa Medical Service - Dr. W. Owen-Prichard
EAHB 1907 - Gondokoro
Red Book 1912 - Medical Dept - Medical Officer - W.O. Prichard [sic] - Fort Hall
Red Book 1912 - Registered Medical Practitioner - William Owen-Prichard
Red Book 1919 - Medical Officer, EA Protectorate 1918 - SMO, Nairobi
HBEA 1912 - Medical Officer, Fort Hall.
EAHB 1905 - Medical Officer, Kismayu. Temporary Med. Officer, EAP, Aug. 24th 1903; Medical Officer, Feb. 15th 1904.
'A very nice doctor' (Practising Colonial Medicine p.33.)

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