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Name: SOLES, Winifred Ethel, Miss
Birth Date: 15 May 1887 Woodchester
Death Date: 1971 Tonbridge
First Date: 1920
Profession: Church Missionary Society missionary
Area: Kahuhia, Fort Hall
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Foster
General Information:
Foster - Miss Ethel M. Soles - Came to Kenya in 1920 to work amongst women and girls. She helped to pioneer girls' education in Kenya. After training she ran a maternity hospital for the local community. After 28 years at Kahuhia she moved to Kabete. In 1951 she worked at Limuru Divinity School with the wives and daughters of ordinands. In 1953 during the Emergency she went to Weithaga and started the first children's creche in one of the new villages. To the local people she was known as "Bibi Wetu" (Our wife) a term of deep respect and love. She helped many younger missionaries at the beginning of their service. She retired in January 1957.
Red 31 Has W.E. Soles, as do passenger lists