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Name: SCOTT, David Clement Ruffelle (Dr.)
Birth Date: 23.4.1853 Edinburgh
Death Date: 18.10.1907 Kikuyu, pulmonary embolism
Nationality: British
First Date: 1901 - after a number of years at Church of Scotland Mission in Blantyre
Last Date: 1907
Profession: Appointed head of the Church of Scotland Mission at Kikuyu where he remained until he died. Installed first stone baptismal font in BEA. He will always be remembered at Kikuyu for his ability and understanding.
Area: Kikuyu
Married: 1. Isabella Reid Bowie b. 10 Sep 1855 Edinburgh, d. 30 Mar 1895 Mozambique; 2. In Tunbridge Wells 3 June 1896 Edith Susan Ruffelle b. 1873 Tunbridge Wells. d. 3.12.1902 Kikuyu; 2.
Children: Ruffelle (d. 1891 Blantyre); William Robert; Margery; Isabel
Book Reference: Gillett, KFA, Scotland, Binks, Land 1903, EAHB 1905, Hut, North, Land, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, Barnes, Chogoria, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
General Information:
Dr Scott, on the eve of his death expressed a wish to baptise his faithful servant Karanja, who thus became the first Christian convert of the Kikuyu Mission.
KFA - One of the first to successfully harvest wheat in Kenya prior to 1903.
Scotland - He had previously served in Nyasaland for 20 years.
Binks - .... Scotch Mission, a short distance to the south of Kikuyu station - Dr. Rufelle Scott, the principal.
Land Grant 1903 - Dr. Scott (Church of Scotland) - 2,173 acres leasehold and 1,000 acres freehold - Wagengo district - Aug. 26 - Freehold and leasehold
Land - 1906 - Rev. D. [sic] Ruffelle-Scott - Agricultural, 1,000 acres - Kikuyu District - Freehold - 27/10/1903 - Registered 19/4/1906
Advertiser - 19/6/1908 - Messrs Raphael & Co. with Mr T.A. Wood held a sale of the effects of the late Dr. D.C. Ruffelle Scott
EAHB 1906 - Revd. D.C. Ruffelle-Scott - Kikuyu
Kikuyu cemetery - Sacred to the memory of David Clement Scott DD born at Edinburgh 23 April 1853 died at Kikuyu 18 October 1907. (inscription in unknown language) / 11.Tim.1:2 / this stone was erected in loving / memory by his children
Mrs Scott, the 2nd wife of D C R Scott, is reported to have died in Kikuyu in 1902. There is no stone for Mrs Scott in the cemetery.
North - Land Grant application for Mission, Kikuyu 23/2/1903; Scott & daughters, Margery & Isabel, due at coast, girls going to school in England 21/3/1903; Vice-President of the Planters & Settlers Association, Nairobi 12/8/1903; 'He is rather high falutin for a missionary …. he seems to be afflicted with a particular interest in the book of Revelation (McGregor-Ross, RH)
EAHB 1904 - Masai-Land District Residents - Ruffelle-Scott, DD Revd DC - CS Mission, Kikuyu
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