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Name: SCOTT, John Hubert

Nee: son of Rev. J.H. and M.C. Scott

Birth Date: 1872 Scotland

Death Date: 26.11.1922 Nairobi, peritonitis

First Date: 1907

Last Date: 1922

Profession: A seed merchant, as well as a farmer, nurseryman and fruit grower at Limuru. He also grew flax and developed brick making on his farm.

Area: Nairobi, Limuru

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Joelson, KAD, Red 25, Hut, Drumkey, Red 22, Land, Advertiser, AJ, Gazette, Globe, Barnes, Leader14, Red Book 1912

General Information:

SE - J.H. Scott - Limoru - Feb 1909
Hut - 1908 Fountains Nurseryman - flax, fruit, bricks
Drumkey 1909 - Seedsman & Nurseryman, The Fountains, Limoru
Land - 1910 - Grazing and agricultural, 3710 acres (Farm No. 186) - Uasin Gishu - 26/10/09 - Leasehold under Occupation Licence for 5 to 99 years from 1/5/10 - Registered 1/8/10
Advertiser - 10/7/1908 - Advert - J. Hubert Scott - Agent for H.E.V. Pickstone & Bro., The Fountain Nurseries, Limoru
Agricultural Journal 1908 - Brands allotted and registered - H.J. Scott, The Fountains, Limoru - Kiambu E4S
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kiambu - J.H. Scott, The Fountains, Limuru
The Globe Trotter - 6th March 1907 - Our Settlers - Mr J.H. Scott has an extensive farm at Limuru. He is contemplating building a large dam for irrigation purposes, and it is not unlikely, that, ere long, good bricks will be made, extensive clay deposits having been discovered on his farm. Fruit trees are his speciality however.
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - J.H. Scott, Scottish, age 50, died 26/11/22
Leader14 - Business Register - Hubert J. Scott, Nursery Gardens, Limoru
Red Book 1912 - J.H. Scott - Kyambu
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - John Hubert Scott, Nurseryman, The Fountains, Limoru
HBEA 1912 has H. Scott as Hon. Sec. Limoru Farmers' Association.
Gazette - 27/12/1922 - Probate and Administration - John Hubert Scott, late of Limoru, who died at Nairobi on 26 November 1922. Applied for by Ernest Gordon Russell of Nairobi
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for death [as John Herbert Scott]

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