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Name: WILKINSON, Mary Ann, Miss
Birth Date: 1869 Cumberland
Death Date: 1944 Kenya
First Date: 1906
Profession: Arrived from Cumberland as a dairy maid for the Hindlip-Fawcus Estate at Njoro. Later in charge of the VC Dairy at Ngara which was owned by Lord Cardross and J.B. Van de Weyer. Owned small tea shops in Mombasa and Nairobi
Area: Njoro, Ngara, Nairobi, Mombasa, Red 31 has Miss M. Wilkinson, Nairobi
Book Reference: Gillett, Red 31, Hut, North
General Information:
Latterly she was cateress at Nairobi Club
Gazette - 11/5/1927 - Application for General Retail & Restaurant & Theatre Liquor Licence - Miss M Wilkinson - Lyric Hall, Hardinge Street
Gazette 22 Jan 1946 probate (no exact date of death)