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Name: WILL, James (Col. Dr.)
Birth Date: 5.11.1858 Tarves, Aberdeen
Death Date: May 1914 ?Aberdeen
First Date: 1904
Profession: Appointed Principal Medical Officer, EA and Uganda Protectorates. Distinguished career - Lecturer and Examiner at Chinese College of Medecine, Hong Kong. Officer with RAMC in 1898 with rank of Major.
Area: Entebbe, Nairobi
Married: Katherine Emily Stokes b. 1872, d. 29.7.1944 Basingstoke
Children: six, including Beryl Helen (11.1.1907 Nairobi)
Book Reference: Gillett, EAHB 1905, Red 25, Playne, Drumkey, Carman, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, Harmony, North, EAHB 1907, Beck
War Service: MB, MCh, RAMC
School: Aberdeen University, Demonstrator of Practical Surgery 1883-84
General Information:
EAHB 1905 - Aberdeen University, Senior Thomson Bursar (Science) 1882; M.B. and M.C. (Honours and Medal) 1884; Demonstrator, Practical Surgery 1883-84; Surgeon Army Medical Staff 1886; Royal Army Medical 1898; Established Relief Hospital in Martinique and St. Vincent during the Volcanic Eruptions 1902; presented with an address signed by the inhabitants of St. Vincent and received letters of thanks from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the Commander-in-Chief; Principal Medical Officer, EA and Uganda Protectorates, Feb. 1st 1904.
Red 25 - Principal Medical Officer, EA Protectorate 1904-09
Playne - 1904 - Major (now Lieut-Col) Will, RAMC was sent out to succeed Moffat, and he held office for 5 years until he resigned.
Drumkey 1909 - Member of Municipal Committee, Nairobi - The Hon. Lt.-Col. J.A.Will Drumkey 1909 - Medical Dept. - Principal Medical Officer for East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
Drumkey 1909 - Member of Municipal Committee, Nairobi - The Hon. Lt.-Col. J.A.Will Drumkey 1909 - Medical Dept. - Principal Medical Officer for East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
Drumkey 1909 - Committee Member, The Caledonian Society of BEA
Drumkey 1909 - Lodge Scotia, No. 1008 S.C. - Wor. Bro. J. Will, I.P. Master
Carman - In 1896 Captain James Will, IMS was appointed Medical Officer in charge of the railway construction and he was joined by Lieutenant King and six Medical Officers.
Advertiser - 2/10/1908 - Masonic Temple consecrated - assisted - Wor. Bro. Hon. Col. J. Will
Advertiser - 16/10/1908 - The Hon. Col. J. Will returning home to his Regt.
Member of Lodge Harmony - Joined 1/5/05, Major RAMC, died May 1914
North - Appt. Principal Medical Officer East Africa & Uganda Protectorates 21/2/1904
EAHB 1905 - Principal Medical Officer, Nairobi