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Name: WILLAN, Ernest William
Birth Date: 1889 Bittesby, Leics.
Death Date: 8 Oct 1962 Nakuru
First Date: 1913
Profession: First employed by A.C. Hoey, later bought his own farm about 24 miles from Nakuru, near Subukia. Farm at top of very long hill and in bad weather he spent a lot of his time pulling out bogged down motorists.
Area: Woodhouse Farm Subukia, Kitale, Hut 1922 partner with Barclay, Menengai, Nakuru
Married: In Burton upon Trent 1912 Sarah Annie Bladon b. 1890 Burton upon Trent, d. 1968 Nakuru
Book Reference: Gillett, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Gazette, Barnes, Medals, KAD, Red 22
General Information:
Later commissioned by Atherstan Survey reports to reconstruct the road and an excellent job he made of it.
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - E.W. Willan - Farmer - Nakuru
Red 25 has E.W. Willian, Nakuru
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Rift Valley Voters List
Gazette 19 Feb 1963 probate
Nakuru North cemetery - in loving memory / Sarah Annie Willan / died 2?th April 1968
Red 22 has E.W. Willian, Nakuru
Medals - EA Pioneer Company - E.W. Willan, No. 3270, Pioneer
Nat Probate Calendar