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Name: WILSON, Henry William George 'Harry'
Nee: bro of Ralph Berry Wilson
Birth Date: 1881 S. Africa
Death Date: 19 Aug 1955 Machakos
First Date: 1930
Last Date: 1955
Profession: Farmer
Area: Chumbi Estate, Athi River
Book Reference: Red 31, Hut, Machakos, Barnes
General Information:
Machakos - Daddy [P.H. Percival] once called on the Wilson brothers at Chumbi and found Berry trying to read Harry's temperature with an incubator thermometer. As the mercury moved down very fast when the thermometer was taken out Berry was on his knees by the bed trying to read it while in Harry's mouth. Berry was a strong man and had broken their only clinical thermometer when shaking it down at the outset of Harry's fever.
All Souls Cathedral, Machakos - Henry William George Wilson, "Harry" of "Chumbi", passed away in his sleep 19 August 1955, well done thou good and faithful servant
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Ukamba Voters List
Gazette 27 Dec 1955 probate required by Frederick Charles Oriel Wilson, bro of the deceased