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Name: WILLET, Basil Algernon

Birth Date: 12 Nov 1886 Port Elizabeth, S. Africa

Death Date: 6 Oct 1955 Durban, leg amputated 6 weeks before, gastrectomy 3 weeks before

First Date: 1906

Profession: Manager Kiforu Estate rubber plantation at Kibwezi. Stephen Ellis's ledger shows Morgan & Willett - Apr. 1910

Area: Kibwezi, Nairobi

Married: In Port Elizabeth 5 Jan 1929 Alice Edith Badcock b. 1887 Port Elizabeth, d. 10 May 1947 Port Elizabeth

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Leader14, Red Book 1912, North

General Information:

Playne - Morgan & Willet - The rubber industry is in full swing near Kibwezi station, where Messrs Morgan and Willet have their Mbuyu plantation of 1000 acres. Mr W.H.S. Morgan came to BEA in 1905 from South Africa, where he was born, and Mr B.A. Willet came to BEA in 1906 from Cape Colony, and joined Mr Morgan in partnership. Mr T.O. Morgan is also a partner.
Drumkey 1909 - Directory of Residents - B.A. Willet, Nairobi
Leader14 - B.A. Willet - Kibwezi
Leader14 - Mr Basil Willett, of the Kiforu Estate, who has studied local conditions for some years and who knows the Ceara tree thoroughly, is another of this band of well-equipped young 'progressives'.
Red Book 1912 - B.A. Willet - Machakos
North gun licence 1906

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