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Name: CAMPBELL, William Wallace
Birth Date: 1881 Derby
First Date: 1915
Profession: Settler
Married: In Nottingham 1902 Eliza Oliver
Children: Maria; Nora Kathleen; Erna Doreen; William Wallace
Author: 'East Africa By Motor Lorry' 1928
Book Reference: EAMR, Gazette
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - 3/3/16
General Information:
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nyeri
From Nottingham
East Africa by Motor Lorry: Recollections of an ex-motor transport driver by William Wallace Campbell, originally published 1928. Includes biographical detail, the War Diary for 18 Motor Ambulance Convoy May 1917 July 1918 with a Foreword by Harry Fecitt, MBE, TD.