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Name: DUCROTOY, Philibert Olivier Julefy
Birth Date: 14 Jan 1896 Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles
Death Date: 1924 ?1954 Kisumu
First Date: 1915
Married: In Mombasa 2 Sep 1924 [?9 Feb 1924] Maud Vivienne Savy Verlaque b. 3 Mar 1906 Ile St Anne, Mahé, Seychelles, d. 1974 Brisbane
Children: Rita (1928 Kenya-2012); Albert (1929 Mombasa-2012); Hilda Marguerite Elisca (5 Aug 1932 Mombasa-2005); Iris Patricia (29 Nov 1935 Mombasa); Stella Maureen (20 May 1942 Kakamega-1999); Willy Philibert Oliver (d. 2011)
Book Reference: EAMR, Curtis, Medals
War Service: WW1 with EAMR E Sqdn. 11/2/15 - 6/12/15 - Wounded 13/5/15; to EAMS
General Information:
Curtis - p. 29 - Trooper L. Poyer [severely wounded] had been found by the Germans, who had attended to his wounds as well as they were able, given him food and water, but took away his rifle. The other, Trooper P. Ducrotoy, was lying not far off hidden in the long grass so the Germans had not found him. ……
Medals - East African Nursing Service - Philibest [sic] Ducrotoy, EAMR, No. 557, Trooper