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Name: MERCER, Mervyn Louis Emerson

Nee: son of Walter Louis Mercer

Birth Date: 25 Oct 1890 Pietermaritzburg

Death Date: 7 Aug 1917 died of wounds, Mugoyu

Book Reference: EAMR, Medals, Gazette

War Service: WW1 with EAMR - E Sqdn 8/8/14 - L/Cpl. 15/9/14; Cpl. 26/9/14; Sergt. 11/1/15; SSM 23/1/15

General Information:

Medals - East African Intelligence Department - EAMR, No. 353, Corporal
Gazette 29/9/1917 - Probate and Administration in respect of M. Mercer, Intelligence Agent, who died of wounds at Mugoyu on 7/8/1917
Buried in Dar es Salaam War Cem.(as Mervyn Louis Mercer) He was an intelligence agent with the rank of Lieutenant and was attested on the 7th July 1917. He was shot in the chest on the 3rd August 1917 and died from his wounds on the 7th August 1917. He was awarded the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. He was 26 years old at the time of his death.

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