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Name: TRYON, Henry Covey MBE (Capt.)
Nee: bro of Spencer Tryon and Charles Arthur Denzil Tryon
Birth Date: 25 July 1882 Wandsworth, London
Death Date: 14 June 1926 Johannesburg, blackwater fever
First Date: 1918
Last Date: 1926
Profession: 'Native recruiter' on death cert.
Married: In Johannesburg 1 July 1924 Naomi Lucking b. 1895
Children: Naomi June (7 Apr 1925)
Book Reference: EAMR, LG
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - E Sqdn. 27/2/15 - Sergt. 1/3/15, Lt. 1916, later Captain
School: Maritzburg College, S. Africa
General Information:
London Gazette - 7 February 1919 - MBE for valuable services rendered in connection with military operations in East Africa - Capt. Henry Covey Tryon, Military Labour Corps (East Africa)
Gazette - 27/4/1927 - Probate and Administration - Henry Covey Tryon late of Johannesburg who died at Johannesburg on 14 June 1926
EAMR - Photo - Sergeants' Mess
Maritzburg College Records - character - 'dull, idle, irregular'