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Name: WALKER, Frank Hercules (Lieut.)
Birth Date: 7.4.1870 Wadhurst, Sussex
Death Date: 7.1.1916 Gallipoli, killed in action
First Date: 1900
Profession: Military
Married: In Elham, Kent 20 Nov 1899 Eleanor Mary Wilkinson b. 1869 Durham, d. 16 June 1931 Haslemere
Children: Malcolm Sidney (1903 Burton on Trent-24 Nov 1973 Cork)
Book Reference: EAMR, North
War Service: North Staffs Regt./Royal Scots; WW1 with EAMR - A Sqdn. 8/11/15
General Information:
North - Uganda Mil. - arr. Mombasa 16/1/1900, dep. for Uganda 22/1/1899; based at Unyoro May 1901; member of Largo Expedn. Sept. 1901; arr. Mombasa from Uganda 20/9/1901, dep. for Europe 25/9/1901 on four months' leave, ill. Capt. Resigned, end of appt. 24/1/1902