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Name: ANZOULATOS, Spiro Nicholas G.
Nationality: Greek
First Date: 1897
Last Date: 1901
Profession: Proprietor of 'The Central Hotel' Mombasa; sold the Hotel in 1898 and Transporting rations on Uganda road for 27th Bombay Inf. at Kavirondo 1899, failed to complete contract; contracting for Uganda Railway. Charged with submitting bogus Invoices
Area: Mombasa
Book Reference: North, Gazette
General Information:
North - Charged with submitting bogus Invoices c. 1899 in fraud with E. Lumsden, jumped bail to GEA Nov 1900. Declared bankrupt July 1901
Gazette - 1/7/1901 - Bankruptcy Ordinance - Nicholas G. Anzoulatos - Claim brought by K. Bouzas & Co. of Zanzibar