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Name: FISHER, Arthur Alexander (Capt.)
Birth Date: 10.8.1866 Brockenhurst, Kent
Death Date: 12.3.1902 Chiswick
Nationality: British
First Date: 1898
Profession: Uganda Mil. - dep. Mombasa to Uganda 27/4/1898; based in Kavirondo, Camp Mbarak Aug, Sept. 1898; Ravine station Jan. 1899 in charge of transport; in Ankole June 1899; not on UP Staff list of Dec 1899
Area: Kavirondo, Ravine, Ankole
Book Reference: North, Hut, Web, Ainsworth
War Service: West Yorkshire Regt
School: Winchester
General Information:
North - in Acholi June 1899; end of appt. 22-2-1900
Ainsworth Was sent from Kikuyu to investigate alleged poisoning of drinking-water by Kikuyu at camp of Mr Blackett of the Advance Railway Survey.
Nat. Probate Calendar