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Name: SCHAUER, Oskar Woldemar Konrad

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Photo Source: Deb Biondo

Birth Date: 15 July 1873 Dresden

Death Date: 8 Jan 1950 Hamburg

Nationality: German

First Date: 1904, having travelled extensively in many parts of the world

Profession: He was a great collector of trophies and curios. Started a safari business, organised hunting trips and expeditions and in 1908 bought the old German Mission station at Kijabe which he made his headquarters.

Area: Kijabe, Naivasha

Married: In Dresden 19 Aug 1898 Anna Elsa Gertrud Kuhlmann b. 21 Dec 1878, d. Potgietersrus, S. Africa

Children: August Oskar Alfred (26 June 1900 Dresden-14 May 1952 Frankfurt am Main); Anna Flore Käthe (Boemer) (4 June 1901 Dresden-1977 Pretoria)

Author: Im Banne Afrikas

Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, Land, Old Africa, Leader14, North

General Information:

Also established a Sanatorium at Kijabe which proved an excellent health resort. During WW2 it was a Forces Convalescent Home.  
HBEA has Welter Schauer & Co., 'Kijabe Hill'
Playne - Mr Konrad Schauer has made a special business of the carrying out of safari work, that is to say, the organisation of expeditions and shooting parties to the interior. He has his own guides, hunters, and skinners (of birds and beasts), while white men are engaged for special expeditions. He prepares trophies for shipping, ships live animals, and also traps to order. Mr Schauer has had 21 years experience in the Tropics, has travelled extensively in other parts of the world, and is a great collector of trophies and curios.
Most of the best known sportsmen, including Mr F.C. Selous, have been out under Mr Schauer's auspices, and some years ago he took the first collection of pigmy curios to Germany. ........ Close to the railway station at Kijabe there is a rest-house which was formerly the German mission station. This property, purchased by Mr Schauer in 1908, is furnished with the best European furniture and African trophies and curios. Ladies are specially catered for there during the absence of their husbands on safari, Mrs Schauer being in charge. ......…
Mr Schauer has also 200 acres in German East Africa, where a shooting box is to be placed shortly; he has shooting rights over several large tracts of ground, and he intends to start an ostrich farm at Kijabe. In addition to safari work Mr Schauer arranges ten-day trips around Lake Nyanza and down the Nile, the charges for which are very moderate. ........ A European is in charge of the Mombasa offices, and Europeans also look after the branches to be found all over German EA.  This unique and highly interesting business was founded in 1903 by Mr R.F.P. Huebner and taken over by Mr Schauer three years later.
Drumkey 1909 - Clearing & Forwarding Agent, General Merchant - Mombasa
Land - 1911 - K. Schauer and Max Welter - Grazing and agricultural, 2466.3 acres - Kijabe Hills - 20/7/09 - Leasehold for 99 years from 12/6/09 - Registered 3/10/11
Old Africa 4 - Kijabe Hill Sanatorium built circa 1909-10. The building has been variously described as dull, grandiose, a Teutonic schloss or just plain ghastly. Two Germans, Welter & Schauer, constructed the building and opened a health resort and Sanatorium in 1910. It catered for hunters as well as convalescents. It had a European chef and, amazingly for those days of Dietz lanterns, was lit by National Air Gas. The Health Resort did not survive the First World War, when the British government seized it as enemy alien property. By 1924 the building stood empty. [Later bought by F.R. Cramb and  became Kenton College]
Leader14 - Schauer, Welter & Co. - Kijabe

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