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Name: MADOCKS, Henry John (Capt.)
Birth Date: 14.11.1866 Bhagalpur, Bihar, India
Death Date: 29.5.1915 killed in action, Festubert, France
Nationality: British
First Date: 1895
Profession: Military
Area: Wadele, Bunyoro
Married: In Littlebredy, Dorset 6 Aug 1914 Rachel Sophia Williams b. 1876 Paddington, d. 11 Sep 1963 Salisbury
Book Reference: North, UJ
War Service: Royal Welch Fusiliers
General Information:
North - UP/Uganda Mil. - joined the Maj. T.P.B. Ternan expdn. against Kabarega 13/4/1895; in charge of Bunyoro Sept. 1895; in Kampala 22/11/1896; on patrol round Wadele April & May 1897; Dep. Nandi on 6 months' leave 24/6/1897; end of appt. with UP 29/1/1898 Transferred to Uganda Rifles 30/1/1898; dep. Mombasa for Uganda 4/7/1898; with Wakedi Field Force 24/4/1899; end of appt. 28/4/1900
Uganda Journal - Vol. 18 No. 1 - Acholiland in 1897 by Sir John Milner Gray - references to Lieut. H.J. Madocks
North has Maddocks