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Name: MATHEWS, George
Nationality: British
First Date: 1899
Profession: Uganda Railway - Senior Permanent Way Inspector
Children: dau born at Kiu, 1901
Book Reference: North, Drumkey, Land, Gazette
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - Railway Dept. - Sr. P.W. Inspector, 1899 - G. Mathews
Land - 1906 - Messrs G. and Geo. Matthews - Agricultural, 100 acres - Kibos - Freehold - 20/5/1904 - Registered 7/6/1906
Land - 1912 - G. Mathews - Agriculture, 103.5 acres - Kibos - 1/8/04 - Freehold - Granted in exchange for original 100 acres relinquished - Registered 29/1/12
North - Recruited at Sukkur, India. Bird Licence, Muhoroni 8-9-1905
Gazette 15/6/1913 - Application to be declared Insolvent - George Mathews (Permanent Way Inspector on the Busoga Railway)