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Name: MACDONALD, John Anderson
Nationality: British
First Date: 1895
Profession: Ship's Carpenter - travelled to Lake Victoria with first loads of s.s. Wm. Mackinnon 1895; waited at Port Victoria but remainder of loads not expected for another year so sent back to England. Appt. UP, 5/4/1900; Appt Asst to Dir. Public Works UP 1/4/1901
Book Reference: North, BEA
General Information:
BEA Vol 1 p. 40 - Re: R.J.D. Macallister - In 1896 a mechanic at Port Victoria, John Anderson Macdonald, charged him [Macallister] with assault, but it is doubtful whether this was anything more than the expression of a personality clash, common enough when one or two Europeans were thrown together in trying circumstances.
North - Appt. Carpenter Marine Dept UP 5/4/1900; Appt Acting Asst to the Director Public Works UP 1/4/1901; Storekeeper & Workshop Supervisor with Public Works Dept. - 'no longer required for reasons of economy' 3/6/1903