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Name: NAGLER, Leon
Birth Date: ?23 Jan 1868 Vienna
Death Date: ?19 Apr 1943 Ghetto Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia
First Date: 1903
Profession: Farmer - Land Grant application 29/5/1903, between rivers Karura & Boerwaka
Area: EAHB 1906 Karura River
Book Reference: Szlapak, North, Drumkey, Land, EAHB 1906
General Information:
Drumkey 1909 - Directory of Residents - Zions Farm, Karura River
Land - 1906 - L. Nagler - Agricultural, 640 acres, Karura, 29-5-03, Homestead, Registered 22-1-06
North - Owner of a shamba at Navidi near Kikuyu 31/7/1904
Szlapak - Present at first meeting of Nairobi Hebrew Congregation on 17 Sept 1907 - L. Megler {check L. Nagler?}
Gazette 22 July 1925 Leon Nagler vs, Lala Shivram in 1902