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Name: SHAPLEY, Walter Thomas
Birth Date: 2 May 1885 Oldstone, near Dartmouth, Devon
Death Date: 26 Apr 1970 Cape Town
First Date: 1914 - was with Chartered Co. in Rhodesia
Profession: Solicitor, Notary Public and Commissioner for Oaths; partner in firm Shapley & Schwartze, Advocates and solicitors, Nairobi. For many years he was a member of Nairobi Municipal Council.
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Marylebone 1929 Walburgha 'Bogie' Mary Winifred Josephine Brown née Hall b. 1889 Birmingham, d. 28 June 1946 London (prev. m. to George William Alston Brown 1880-1935)
Book Reference: Gillett, Golf, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Karen 50, Red 22, Aschan, Gazette
General Information:
Golf - On the formation committee of the Golf Union of EA in 1923. ... On Committee formed to run Muthaiga Golf Course at Muthaiga Country Club in the early 1920's. In 1927, whilst in England he was requested by the Committee of Muthaiga to select a professional, and out of a large number of applications (between 300 and 400) eventually appointed Mr Harry Kinnell of Prestwick. President of Muthaiga GC in 1925. Captain of Muthaiga GC in 1922. President of Karen CC 1939.
Karen 50 - What is known as 'racialism' was not then related only to colour, and at that time [1930s] Jews were not eligible for membership. After many sessions of debate, the first Committee decided by 5 votes to 3 to exclude Jews, which thus became unwritten law. Their decision must undoubtedly have been influenced by Mr Walter Shapley, a Founder Member who wrote:- "It seems to me that one of the curses from which the Jewish Race suffers is that when it finds an outstandingly decent Jew obtaining various entrees and footholds to which the individual's merits appear to entitle him in every way, there follow in his wake, with the same certainty that night follows day, his concomitants, accessories, associates, fellows, consorts, colleagues, spouses, co-partners, satellites, hangers-on, shadows, convoys, followers, appendages and attributes." This had an unfortunate sequel in that Sir Alfred Vincent (also a Founder Member) proposed Mr L. Kaplan for membership. 'Kappie' was held with great affection by all the members of the Committee, and would have been socially acceptable in any club in the world, but the President, with the greatest regret, asked that the nomination be withdrawn. 'A.V.' replied that he wished the name to go forward as he did not believe that any club would exclude a prospective member on the grounds of race alone, which left the Committee with no alternative but to reject the candidate. It is perhaps to A.V.'s credit that he never at any time thereafter set foot in the Club.
Karen 50 - Founder Member and Debenture Holder of Karen Club in 1937. President 1939
Aschan - 1914 - One evening Blix was sitting on the verandah of the Norfolk Hotel having a drink with Walter Shapley, a prominent lawyer with a marked Teutonic appearance, and Arnold Meyer, editor of the 'East African Standard' newspaper, born a German Jew and now a naturalized British subject. Dark, hostile looks in their direction caused Shapley, a man of humor, to react in his unmistakeable, booming voice: "We seem to be the three most suspicious characters here this evening. You, Meyer, are German. I look like one, and Blix here, God knows what he is!"
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Nairobi, North Area - Walter Thomas Shapley - Solicitor, Muthaiga
KAD has E. Shapley?
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Walter Thomas Shapley, Solicitor, Muthaiga
Gazette 13 Oct 1972 probate