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Name: SHAWE, St. John Douglas

Birth Date: 25 Dec 1864 Hounslow, Middlesex

Death Date: 1940 Sutton, Surrey

Nationality: British

First Date: 1897

Profession: Appt. Civilian Clerk at Kampala May 1897; sent from Kampala to Unyoro to help Lieut. W.F.B.R. Dugmore with loyal troops during Sudanese mutiny Feb 1898; recommended for 3rd Class Asst. June 1898; Appt. 3rd Class Asst. UP 8/9/1898

Area: Kampala

Married: In London 22 Dec 1906 Kate Ellen Close b. 6 Dec 1869 Grays, Essex, d. 1941 Sutton, Surrey

Book Reference: North, EAHB 1905, EAHB 1906, UJ, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, Gazette

General Information:

North - transferred to EAP 1/10/1900, appt. 3rd Class Asst.; Appt. Acting Supt. of Transport 8/10/1900; Transport & Commissariat Officer for Ogaden Punitive Force, arr. Kismayu 30/11/1900, returned to Mombasa ill 2/12/1900; dep. Mombasa for England on sick leave 22/11/1901 "alcoholic poisoning" (Moffat) 'Seeking to return to EA, not to be re-appointed - 'off his head' (FO 2), Dec 1902
EAHB - Officer of IBEA Co. who served in EA as Assistant Collector - resigned from the service
Uganda Journal - Vol 22 - Obituary - Michael Moses - Uganda Mutiny, September 1897 - ….A day or so after this incident S.D. Shawe, a civilian clerk, in the administration, arrived at Masindi. This officer who had little more than six months' service, had willingly agreed to accept the post of assistant to Dugmore [Lt.-Col. Radclyffe]. In the words of Mr Commissioner Berkeley, "his arrival, and the way in which he carried out his duties contributed in no small degree to the maintenance of order until the more effective measures of disarmament could be carried out."
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as Assistant District Officer
Gazette - 1-12-1901 - Notice - All persons having claims against Mr S.D. Shawe of the East Africa Protectorate Service are requested to send in particulars to the undersigned if they have not already done so. - Signed H. Pidcock - Manager of Mr Shawe's property.
1939 England and Wales Register living in Sutton, London as 'Commission Agent'

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