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Name: SHEPHERD, Richard Kenneth (Dr.)

Birth Date: 26.2.1882 Bridgetown, Barbados

Death Date: 19.3.1946 Cardiff

Last Date: 1922

Profession: Missionary doctor. Initially he worked with the Church Missionary Society in Zanzibar but then transferred to Freretown, Mombasa travelling by dhow, and was stationed there for many years. Later worked at Lower Kabete

Area: Zanzibar, Mombasa, Lower Kabete

Married: In Mombasa 30.12.1908 Eleanor Kathleen Ferrar Binns b. 8 June 1883 Frere Town, d. 11 July 1955 Nairobi (dau of Rev Harry Kerr Binns)

Children: Charles Duncan Ferrar (4 Dec 1909 UK-4 May 2003 Bristol); Nancy Eleanor ( 2 Aug 1911 Freretown-27 Aug 2002 Gillingham, Dorset); Richard Harry Woolley (10 July 1915 Freretown-22 July 1942 on active service, lost in aircraft over Mediterranean); John Kenneth (24 Oct 1916 Freretown-25 Feb 1932 Penselwood); Kathleen Elvina (8 May 1918 Freretown)

Book Reference: Gillett, HBEA, EA & Rhodesia, Drumkey, Foster, North, EAHB 1907, Barnes, Red Book 1912

General Information:

East Africa & Rhodesia - 28/7/55 - Mrs E.K.F. Shepherd, widow of Dr. Richard Kenneth Shepherd, a former missionary at Mzizima Hospital, Mombasa, and daughter of Archdeacon H.K. Binns, a missionary in Mombasa from 1875 to 1923, has died in Nairobi at the age of 72. Dr. and Mrs Shepherd left Kenya in 1922 and settled in Cardiff, where he died 24 years later. At the time of her death Mrs Shepherd was staying with her daughter, Mrs Nancy Shepherd, of the Community Development Department of Kenya.
Foster - Lay Member from Freretown at the Synod of the Diocese of Mombasa 1918
North has Dr. Richard Kenneth Shepard - CMS BEA - b. 26/2/1882 Bridgetown Barbados; accepted as missionary in EA but to spend a year in Uganda to study the treatment of tropical diseases 7/3/1905; d. 1946 Cardiff
Nairobi City Park cemetery - Eleanor Shepherd, died 11 Jul 1955 aged 72 Inscription: to our / beloved mother / widow to / Dr Kenneth Shepherd / Eleanor Kathleen / Ferrar Shepherd / June 8th 1883 / July 11th 1955
Red Book 1912 - R.K. Shepherd - Mombasa
Red Book 1912 - Mzizima Hospital and Dispensary - Dr. R.K. Shepherd MB, BS, BSC
1939 England and Wales Register living in Cardiff with wife and 2 children, as medical practitioner

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