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Name: SLATTER, Arthur Alexander (Capt.)
Birth Date: 18 June 1873 Daglingworth, Glos.
Death Date: 8 Jan 1915 Salisbury, S. Rhodesia, suicide, self-inflicted bullet wound
First Date: 1904
Profession: Farmer, President of the Ulu District Farmers' Association 1912.
Area: Machakos, Ulu
Married: In Johannesburg 17 Oct 1903 Ada Kate Mclean MacMahon b.1879 Orsett, Essex;
Children: Kathleen Marion (25 Nov 1904 S. Rhodesia-1997); Barbara Hope (16.8.1908 Nairobi-1991); Arthur William Donat (11.12.1910 Nairobi-1941 Far East)
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Big Stuff, Unger, Roosevelt, Red 25, Hut, Drumkey, Land, AJ, Leader14, Red Book 1912, North
General Information:
Red Book 1912 - A.W. Slatter - Machakos
SE - Capt A.A. Slatter - Mar 1908
Unger - 1909 - Roosevelt Trip - Visited Captain Slatter's farm (ostrich) near Mt. Kilimakia
Roosevelt - I was his guest at Kilimakiu, where he was running an ostrich farm; he had lost his right hand, yet he was an exceedingly good game shot, both with his light and heavy rifles.
Drumkey 1909 - Cattle Brand - RAS - Machakos Road Station
Land - Capt. A. Slatter - Grazing and agricultural, 5440.79 acres - Machakos - 2/3/08 - Leasehold for 99 years from 18/3/08 - Registered 8/2/10
Land - 1912 - A.A. Slatter - Grazing and agricultural, 1497.5 acres - Mua Hills - 2/12/10 - Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/7/11 - Registered 10/2/12
Agricultural Journal 1908 - Brands Allotted and Registered - June 1908 - Capt. Slatter, Machakos Road Station - Machakos BAS
Red Book 1912 - A.A. Slatter - Machakos
Red Book 1912 - President - Ulu Association
HBEA has him as Capt. Slater.
Big Stuff - a typical representative of the early Kenya settler who owned land at Wami on the Athi plains.
Red 25 - JP, Ulu [his son]