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Name: WYLDE, Everard Gordon Melville (Lieut.)
Birth Date: 13.3.1876 Chiswick
Death Date: 23.7.1902 Masindi, Uganda, acute dysentery
Nationality: British
First Date: 1900
Last Date: 1903
Profession: KAR; appt. 3rd Asst. Collector UP; arr. Mombasa 3/12/1900, dep. for Uganda 7/12/1900; based at Toro May 1901; Collector Toro District Dec 1901
Area: Toro, Masindi
Book Reference: North, Gazette
General Information:
Gazette - 15/8/1902 - Probate and Administration - the Late Lieut. E.G.M. Wylde of Uganda who died at Masindi on 23/7/1902.
North - Recruited in South Africa