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Name: SPENCER, Cyril Edward ISO

Birth Date: 30 Sep 1873 Grafton, New South Wales

Death Date: 18 Mar 1962 Aldeburgh, Suffolk

First Date: 1906

Profession: Entered Colonial Civil Service in Cyprus in 1891, transferred to EA as Asst. DC in 1906. DC from 1912-23 and then appointed Commissioner of Prisons

Area: HBEA 1912 ADC, Nairobi, Kisii

Married: 1910 Alexina Mary Lawford b. 12 Jan 1889 Leicester, d. 1955 Deben, Suffolk

Children: Marguerite Joan Beverley (Seldon) (30 June 1911 Nairobi-2006 Brisbane); Marlay Cyril Arnold (1 Oct 1919 Nairobi-24 May 2005 South Cheshire)

Book Reference: North, Gillett, HBEA, Ainsworth, RH, Gethin, Shorthose, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Drumkey, Red 22, Advertiser, Dominion, Nicholls, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Web, Red 19

War Service: got a medal for 'Operation Kisii' (Medals)

General Information:

Ainsworth - 1910 - DC at Kisumu with E.P. Evans and F.W. Brett as A.D.C.'s.
RH s.1277 - DC at Kisii in 1914
Gethin - 1914 - On arrival in Kisii, Gethin was shown into the DC's wife's, Mrs Spencer's,  bedroom as he was mistaken for the ADC, Gasper Evans whom she had asked to call as she was very bored. 'On offering to retire, they would not hear of it, the boy was called to bring drinks and we all had a most pleasant evening. Mrs Spencer recovered an hour later from her bout of malaria and suggested we should all go to Gasper Evans house for dinner. The party ended at about 1 a.m. with myself sleeping on a sofa in Gasper's sitting room as I hadn't the faintest idea where my tent was and if I would ever find it.' ................ The short time I knew Spencer I became very fond of him. He was a delicate looking person of small stature, very well turned out, perfect manners, kind and most hospitable. I should say a good administrator up to a point, but completely devoid of thrust and looking ahead, like so many others. ..... he was deeply affected by the callous attitude of the Kisii to the execution of one of their tribe - they laughed and considered it great entertainment - that he said he wanted nothing more to do with the Kisii.  
Shorthose - DC at Kisii in 1914 (with his wife)
KAD 1922 - Senior Asst. Secretary, Secretariat
KAD 1922 - District and Resident Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, Nairobi - Secretariat.
KAD 1922 - Committee Member, Nairobi Polo Club
Red 25 - Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Kenya Polo Association
Drumkey 1909 - Supdt., Inland Revenue (Ag.) - C.E. Spenser
Advertiser - 12/6/1908 - Appointments - C.E. Spencer - Actg. DC Vanga from Malindi
Dominion - Commissioner of Prisons - 1930 - C.E. Spencer
Nicholls - WW1 - Kisii retaken - Thinking the British force was larger than it was, the Germans decided to retreat, and the British reoccupied Kisii. The settlers and officials returned to find everything looted, except Mrs Spencer's piano. Its notes had sounded when Chief Orrere of Bassi sat on it, whereupon the looters thought it was a devil and left it alone. Commissioner of Prisons - 29 Oct 1923 - Retired June 1933
Red Book 1912 - C.E. Spencer - Fort Hall
Web - 1934 - Co-respondent in divorce case - Wilfred Owen Gardner petition for divorce from Mary Gardner. Cyril Edward Spencer - Civil Servant - Mackenzie Road
Red Book 1919 - Senior Asst. Secretary, Secretariat, Nairobi
Ainsworth - 1914 - DC Kisii - (German advance)
Retired to live at Aldeburgh, Sussex
1939 England and Wales Register living in Thingoe, Suffolk with wife
Nat Probate Calendar

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