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Name: STANLEY, Henry Morton, Sir
Nee: John Rowlands
Birth Date: 29.6.1841 Denbigh, north Wales as John Rowlands
Death Date: 10.5.1904 Whitehall, London
First Date: 1871
Profession: At age 16 he worked his passage to America and subsequently became Special Correspondent to the New York Herald. In 1869, while in Madrid, he was summoned to Paris and given brief instructions to 'Find Livingstone'
Married: In Westminster Abbey, London 2 July 1890 Dorothy Tennant b. 22 Mar 1855 Bloomsbury, London, d. 5 Oct 1926 London (she later m. Henry Curtis)
Children: Denzil Morton (16 Aug 1895 London-1959) (adopted)
Author: 'In Darkest Africa' 1890
Book Reference: Gillett, Rhodesia, Chandler
General Information:
He hurriedly made his preparations and started forthwith. He was present at the opening of the Suez canal and eventually arrived Zanzibar Jan 6th 1871, but not until 236 days after that, during which he had blood-curdling and adventurous experiences that he actually found Livingstone near lake Tanganyika. Returned to England 1872 but made subsequent trips to Africa.
Through his endeavours, after talks with Mutesa I, King of Buganda that the CMS first started a Mission Station in Uganda
Rhodesia - Grogan - Shortly after my return to England I was invited by H.M. Stanley to go and see him. He was a pathetic-looking little figure like a wizened parrot, and a tear trickled down his cheek as he told me how he had failed to persuade Britain to take over the Congo.
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