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Name: COLEMAN, Kenneth Holmes
Photo Source: David Reeve
Birth Date: 16 June 1883 Bicester
Death Date: 1952 Amersham
First Date: 1909
Profession: Manager of Kisumu Hotel; government official
Area: 1914 Kikuyu
Married: In Kenton, Kentucky 16 Dec 1911 Nalla Carveth née Chesney b. 1874 (prev. m. Giles Elbert Carveth in Chicago in 1897)
Book Reference: Playne, Red 22, Gazette, Medals, Leader14, Red Book 1912
General Information:
Red 22 - K.H. Coleman, Pol. Off., Malangali, Iringa Dist., Tanganyika
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kisumu - K.H. Colman, Manager, Kisumu Hotel, Kisumu
Medals - East African Political Department - Uganda Police, Lieutenant
Red Book 1912 - K.H. Colman [sic] - Kyambu
Mention of him as owner of 'Sadie' a pure bred Arab stallion, imported from India by Mr McMillan and 'Byculla' chestnut Australian gelding imported by Hon. B. Cole - trained by Mr Elkington at Masara
1932 Passenger List has Kenneth H. and Nalla Coleman, but he is a govt official. b.1883
Gazette 3 June 1930 - destruction of court records Norfolk Hotel v. K.H. Coleman. And other egs of court cases against him
1939 England and Wales Register living in Chesham widowed, as colonial servant, retired