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Name: BRUCE, Gordon Kennet Knight
Birth Date: 9 Apr 1891 Cape Town
Death Date: 6 Nov 1938 Dar es Salaam, suicide by gunshot
First Date: 1914
Profession: Civil servant
Area: Kericho, Chuka, Meru
Married: In Newton Abbot 1923 Kathleen Nowell Elizabeth Wise 'Betty' b. 20 Dec 1894 Stratton, Cornwall, d. 1 Dec 1975 Newton Abbot
Children: Hugh Wyndham (1924-2008); Helen Rosemary (13 Nov 1927 Zanzibar-2003)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Colonial, Red 22, Gazette, Red 19
School: Radley College and Pembroke College Oxford
General Information:
Red Book 1919 - G K Bruce - Settler - Kericho
Red 22 - G.K. Knight Bruce, Embu, Fort Hall
Gazette - 8/9/15 - appt. Asst DC Lumbwa
Gazette 28/1/1914 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Asst. Dist. Commissioner - 14/1/1914
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Ukamba Area - Gordon Kennet Knight Bruce - Civil Servant, Embu, Kanya Province
KAD 1922 - Asst. District Commissioner, Embu. 1925 - Supreme Court, Mombasa.
Colonial - Asst. DC EAP 1913; despatches 1919; Ag. DC 1920; Ag. Res. Magistrate Mombasa 1923; Res. Magistrate Uganda 1925; Zanzibar 1925 etc
1939 Engand and Wales Register wife is living with her ?sister-in-law at Newton Abbot