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Name: STOCKER, James Edward 'Ted'
Nee: son of James Reginald Stocker
Birth Date: 26 Sep 1877 Great Saughall, Chester
Death Date: 11 Feb 1932 Nairobi
First Date: 1904
Profession: On arrival in EA he was appointed an Asst. Collector but was seconded for a time to the Land Office. 1913 became Asst. DC at Kisumu. He was trained as a civil engineer
Area: Kisumu, 1922 Limuru, 1925 Kiambu, 1930 Hoeys Brdige
Married: In Kiambu 15 May 1912 May Florence Harries b. 1.5.1890 Maseru, Basutoland, d. 16 May 1987 S. Africa (arrived EA 1905 with parents Allen Charles Harries)
Children: James Allen (21.5.1913 Limuru-2 Nov 1993 S. Africa); Emily Ida Florence (20.10. 1914 Limuru-23.2.1915 Limuru); Dorothy Maude (Radford) (10.8.1916 Limuru); Nance Vivien (Springer) (6.3.1918 Limuru-31.8.1987 Perth, W. Australia); Edward Reginald (19.10.1919 Limuru-13.1.2003 Harare, Zimbabwe) ; Thelma Doris (Bentley) (3.3.1921 Nairobi-9.8.2011 Paphos, Cyprus); Daphne (Butcher); Robert Gordon (17.6.1928 Trans Nzoia-9.9.2010 Vancouver Island)
Book Reference: Elephant Stone, Gillett, SE, Cuckoo, Ainsworth, Patricia Sharp, EAHB 1905, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Harries, Drumkey, Red 22, Advertiser, Land, EAHB 1906, Gazette, Harmony, Barnes, North, EAHB 1907, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19
War Service: Served with Cape Mounted Rifles from 1897-1902
General Information:
SE - J.E. Stocker - Oct 1909
Mrs Stocker was a founder member of the EA European Pioneers' Society, she was always eminently interested in social welfare work in Kenya. Also served with FANY organisation in WW2. Daughter Dorothy Maud married Jack Radford and emigrated to Australia. Nance Vivian who married Ronald Springer, Thelma Doris who married Frank Bentley of Brooke Bond, Daphne Grace a Radiographer who married Desmond Butcher.
Ainsworth - 1910 - Asst DC at Mumias
Patricia Sharp comments - Mrs Stocker kept the bandas where we stayed at Malindi, then 5/- p.d. She was a Harries daughter, and had about 8 children, as no pill in those days, and had no money. A very beautiful woman, grey haired by that time.
EAHB 1905 - Cape Mounted Rifles, South Africa 1897-1902; South African war 1899-1902; medal and clasps, Transvaal, Free State and Cape Colony; Asst. Collector, EAP, May 27th 1904.
Advertiser - Friday September 10, 1909 - Court Case - Crown vs Stocker - Mr J.E. Stocker, the accused, giving evidence in his own defence ….. Said, when leaving he proceeded to pump up his bicycle. Corp. Hillyar came up behind him and said he knew something about "Jiu Jitsu." Accused answered that he did not but he knew something about "Catch as catch can." They got into grips. Hillyar got accused's right arm behind his back and after waltzing about for sometime accused got a trip which threw him on his right forehead and dazed him. Corp. Hillyar was on top of him and almost had him "pin falled". Accused then twisted Hillyar over with a leg and arm lock which put him on top. He was rising when Hillyar put a thumb into each of his nostrils and his fingers into his (accused's) eyes. Hillyar pulled accused down who hit him to make him let go his nose. The blood was gushing out of accused's nostrils and going down his throat nearly suffocated him. Accused pressed his thumbs on Hillyar's eyes to make him let go. He was nearly mad with pain. Being pulled down accused came in contact with flesh and bit with his teeth until Hillyar let go his nose.
When he made to get up Hillyer's hand was smashed into accused's mouth apparently with intention of gripping his cheek. Accused took hold of the hand and tore it away. After the affray accused reached the gate and nearly collapsed from exhaustion. He tried to stop the bleeding from his nose. He left on his bicycle but found he could go no further and lay on the grass until daylight when he went home. Mr Stocker then referred to an occasion at the Goan Institute where Hillyer was present and a quarrel in progress. He (accused) helped to stop the disturbance. He had heard voices that Hillyer should be blotted out and he (accused) had reported him to Insp. McClymont. Under cross examination he said he thought Hillyer had done this as he was prejudiced against him (the accused). [all were sober]
In summing up H.H. the Judge called the Jury's attention to the permanent disfigurement of Hillyer which was admitted by accused to have been an injury by his teeth. If it were self defence accused had a right to inflict it …… The Jury retired at 4 pm and after 25 minutes consideration returned a verdict of "Not Guilty".
Land - 1911 - J.E. Stocker - Grazing and agricultural, 3940 acres (Farm No. 1461 - Londiani - 2/9/11 - Leasehold under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/9/11 - Registered 27/11/11
Advertiser - 14/5/1909 - wife of late cook of a D.C. Mr Stocker accuses him of beating cook - committed to trial
Advertiser - 11/6/1909 - J.E. Stocker - tried in High Court - rashly and negligently causing death of his cook - Not Guilty
Gazette - 11/10/16 - James Edward Stocker appt. JP, Kiambu
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kiambu - J.E. Stocker, Kimarauli, Kiambu
Member of Lodge Harmony - Joined 5/6/05
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - John [sic] Edward Stocker, British, age 54, died 11/2/32
EAHB 1907 - Asst. Collector, Rabai Nov 1906
EAHB 1907 - Rabai
Red Book 1912 - J.E. Stocker - Kyambu
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - James Edward Stocker, Farmer, Kiambu and May Florence Stocker, Married, Kiambu
Red Book 1919 - District Committees - Kyambu - J.E. Stocker
Cuckoo - Asst. DC Kisumu - 1907. 1908 - DC Mumias.
EAHB 1905 - Asst. Collector, Nairobi
Elephant Stone - Stocker wrestled Quinn, as Irish as his name, an Inspector of Police, 6 ft. 4 ins. and bulky. The strongest man in Nairobi. Stocker won in the bar of the Stanley. Stocker had come out as the newly appointed judge of Nairobi. He was one of Sandow's prize medallist pupils. But he struck his cook so hard he nearly killed him and was suspended from his position of judge. He disintegrated and went berserk occasionally. He was under 40. One day he left Nairobi for Sotik country and did not come back. Mystery surrounded his disappearance.
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