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Name: STORDY, Robert John CBE, DSO, MRCVS (Col.)
Nee: 'Bwana Kelele'
Birth Date: 26.10.1872 Edinburgh
Death Date: 8.1.1943 Edinburgh
Nationality: British
First Date: 1898
Profession: Veterinary Officer to the Uganda Transport Service until 1900. Then appointed Chief Veterinary Officer EA & Uganda Protectorate, a position he held for more than 20 years
Area: Nairobi, Naivasha
Married: 1902 Marion Russell Mitchell b. 10 Nov 1873 Ceylon, d. 25 Aug 1953 Bucklow, Cheshire
Children: Robert Stephen Mitchell (25.8.1903 Morendat-9 Apr 1987 Macclesfield); Marion Dorothy Mitchell (Carter) (24.10.1905 Nairobi-9.12.1967 Hertfordshire)
Author: Further Bookref:- Red 19
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, Cuckoo, Kill, Cranworth, Debrett, EAHB 1905, EAS, Hut, North, Playne, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, Advertiser, EAHB 1906, Gazette, Harmony, Globe, DSO, Nicholls, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, SS, Leader14, Foster, Web, Red Book 1912
School: George Watson's College, Roy. Vet. Coll. Edinburgh, Roy. Vet. Coll. London
General Information:
SE - R.J. Stordy - Apr 1908
Cuckoo - Visited Kisumu and was always ready with a fund of amusing stories.
Kill - the cheery principal veterinary officer of Kenya. When Stordy joined a party there was never a dull moment for those present. This old-timer of EA was a perfect well of quaint and humorous stories of the pioneer times; and his well never seemed to run dry.
Cranworth - 1910 - took a trip through Abyssinia with Col. Stordy, Chief Veterinary Officer, Kenya ... He was an old friend of ours, a deservedly popular character and, moreover, a man of high scientific qualifications. The services that he rendered to the Colony over a period of nearly 20 years were never in my opinion sufficiently appreciated. Both to the native and white population they were inestimable.
Debrett - formerly Major RAVC; E. Africa 1914-17 as Ch. Vet. Officer (despatches, DSO), France 1918 (wounded, CBE) EAHB 1905 - Veterinary Officer, EA and Uganda Protectorates, April 1st 1901
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa (Mr & Mrs Stordy)
North - Member of a Nandi punitive expedn. 24/5/1900 to 30/10/1900; permanent engagement from 1/4/1901; arr. Mombasa from leave with wife 30/6/1901, dep. for Uganda 6/7/1901; Appt. temp. 3rd Class Magistrate for Model Farm, Morendat from 9/7/1903 to 28/10/1903; Member of the jury in the Max Wehner trial, Nairobi 8/5/1905
Playne - Mr Stordy was born in Edinburgh, and educated first at George Watson's College, and afterwards at the Royal (Dick) Veterinary College, Edinburgh, and the Royal Veterinary College, London. He came to EA on February 15, 1898, and was Veterinary Officer to Uganda TRansport Service until 1900. In April of the latter year he became Chief Veterinary Officer, EA and Uganda Protectorates. Mr Stordy possesses the Uganda Mutiny medal, 1897-98, and those for Africa General Service, Nandi, 1900 and 1905.
Drumkey 1909 - Member of Municipal Committee, Nairobi
Drumkey 1909 - Veterinary Dept. - Chief Veterinary Officer
Drumkey 1909 - Steward, East Africa Turf Club
Drumkey 1909 - Lodge Scotia, No. 1008 S.C. - Wor. Bro. R.J. Stordy, PM, Right Worshipful Master
Advertiser - 2/10/1908 - Masonic Temple consecrated - assisting - Wor. Bro. R.T. Stordy
Gazette - 23/9/1914 - Appt. - Director of Veterinary Services - R.J. Stordy, Esq., Chief Veterinary Officer, BEA, to date September 3rd 1914
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - East Africa Veterinary Corps - To be Lieutenant Colonel - R.J. Stordy, Director of Veterinary Services
Member of Lodge Harmony - Initiated 2/1/06, age 33, Veterinary Surgeon, Nairobi
The Globe Trotter 6/3/07 - Mrs Stordy and children left for home on the French boat leaving last week, Mr Stordy was also at the coast port, which place he left for Kismayu on business of his Department.
Gazette - 15/2/1902 - Birth - February 23rd at Nairobi the wife of R.J. Stordy, of a son still-born.
Nicholls - began the veterinary service for the Uganda Transport Service in 1898; he became Chief Veterinary Officer of the EAP and Uganda in 1901. He remained the sole vet in the country until 1904 when more vets went out to deal with an outbreak of rinderpest, whereupon he became Chief Veterinary Officer, a post he held till 1921, when he went to Peru before retiring to Kent. He was a popular man, a genial Scot of great cordiality.
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as Committee member of the East Africa Agricultural and Horticultural Society - Established 1901
EA Diary 1903 - Veterinary Officer for Uganda and East Africa Protectorates April 1 1901
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Col. R.J. Stordy, CBE, DSO, Sports Club, St James' Square, SW1 - Farm 1277
Leader14 - Chief Veterinary Officer
Foster - Chosen by Rev. P.A. Bennett as his Vicar's Warden of the first Anglican Church in Nairobi
Red Book 1912 - R.J. Stordy - Nairobi
Red Book 1912 - Agricultural Dept. - Veterinary Division - Chief Veterinary Officer
Red Book 1912 - Committee Member - Masara Hunt Club
Red Book 1919 - Veterinary Department - Chief Veterinary Officer
EAHB 1905 - Chief Veterinary Officer, Nairobi
Gazette - 1/11/1905 - Birth on October 24 at Nairobi, the wife of R.J. Stordy of a daughter.
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