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Name: WHITE, Walter Croker Poole (Dr.)

Birth Date: 1875 Caxton, Cambridgeshire

Death Date: 11.1.1924 Widnes, suicide

First Date: 1906

Profession: Medical officer

Area: Kisumu

Book Reference: Hut, Drumkey, EAHB 1907, Gazette

War Service: Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar

School: Bedford Modern School and Edinburgh University; MB, ChB; Diploma for Diseases for Tropical Climates

General Information:

Gazette 15/9/1910 - Dr. W.C.P. White resigns his appointment wef 27/8/1910
Drumkey 1909 - Medical Officer, EAUP, Nov 23rd 1906; House Surgeon and Physician, Carnarvon and Anglesea Infirmary
Grimsby Evening Telegraph 15 Jan 1924 The tragic suicide of a Grimsby doctor who hailed from Caxton, Cambridge, and for whose arrest a warrant had been issued, was related at Widnes...when an inquest was held on Dr Walter Croker Poole White, whose dead body was found on Thursday last hanging from a tree in a wood near Widnes. He had 100 pounds in his possession. The body was hanging from a tree and covered with snow. His feet were touching the ground and as a consequence he could have saved himself had he desired. He was employed at a clinic under the Grimsby Corporation. Another brother had died in an asylum.... Dr White was going to see a mental specialist in London. He left Grimsby by the 12.20 for London on that day and never returned. The police carried a warrant for his arrest. The coroner said there was overwhelming evidence to show that Dr White's mind was in that state when it could honestly be said that it was unsound.... The jury had learned that the rope was round his neck but he had his feet on the ground. He could have easily released the pressure if he wished to, so it showed that he had deliberately strangled himself. A verdict of suicide while of unsound mind was returned.

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