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Name: BEDDING, James Ernest
Birth Date: March 1871 London, bapt. 28 Dec 1874
Death Date: 7 July 1925 Hoey's Bridge
First Date: 1906
Profession: Engineer
Area: Nairobi, Thika, 1930 c/o A.G. Nourse, Nairobi
Married: In Chorlton Mar 1897 Elizabeth Hannah Deakin b. 1 May 1875 Salford, Manchester, d. 9 Apr 1935 Nairobi
Children: Elsie Deakin (5 Feb 1897 Manchester); Eileen Annie (1901 Lancashire- 28.6.1909 Ruiru)
Book Reference: Gillett, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Playne, Red 22, Advertiser, Medals, Leader14, Red Book 1912, Red 19
War Service: E. Af. Ordnance Dept.
General Information:
On the formation of the EA Power & Lighting Company he was in charge of their Generating Station. Some years later he joined the Thika Sisal Company.
Playne - The Nairobi Electric Power and Lighting Company Ltd. - '....... The current was first put through to Nairobi in January 1908, and a regular supply of light and power may be said to have commenced from May 1908. ......... The Company has its registered office at No. 11, Queen Victoria St., London ......... Mr R.C. Bayldon is the resident Managing Director at Nairobi, with Mr C. Udall, AMIEE as Chief Engineer, and Mr J.E. Bedding is in charge of the Ruera generating station.
Advertiser - 2/7/1909 - Death - Eilleen Annie daughter of Mr Bedding, Engineer for Nairobi Electric Light Co. from 'cerebral tuberculosis' on 28th June aged 8.
Medals - East African Ordnance Department - J.E. Bedding
Red Book 1912 - J.E. Bedding - Kyambu
Red Book 1919 - J C Bedding - Thika Sisal Co., Chania Bridge
Red 25 has J.E. Bedding, Thika
Gazette - 25/11/1925 - Probate and Administration - James Ernest Bedding late of Hoey's Bridge who died at Hoey's Bridge on 7 July 1925
Gazette 2 Feb 1937 wife's probate