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Name: MORESBY-WHITE, Charles Edward

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Nee: bro of John Moresby-White

Birth Date: 18 Aug 1887 Modderpoort, Ladybrand, S. Africa

Death Date: 4 Oct 1941 Beaufort West, Cape Province, S. Africa

First Date: 1922

Profession: Farmer

Area: Soy, Kitale 1925, Hut 1922-Hoey's Bridge

Married: Mrs Watson née Noad

Book Reference: Hut, Red 22, SS, Richardson, KAD, Red 25, Red 31

General Information:

Red 22 - C.E.M. White, Soy
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - 2/Lieut C.E. Moresby-White, Lindum, Jesmond Park, Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Farm 234
Richardson 1925 - Eldoret - "We travel along 26 miles through somewhat English scenery, dropping to 6480 feet, and turn to the left where a board reads "A.H. Murrow"; we turn down this and meander along country lanes till we reach Murrow's farm where his manager points out Charlie White's house on the next hill 3/4 miles away and by 11 o'clock we have pulled up at 'Lindum' to find that C. White has gone into Kitale with Mrs Marshall who has been staying here for 3 days. We are now sitting and waiting. The house at 6350 commands an excellent view of Elgon, as it lies above the level of the plain. Charlie turned up at 1 o'clock with a Major Oxland and we had a long talk about this district. ……. Charlie has maize, coffee and wheat; the latter has been badly damaged by zebras which have caused a loss of £300. A lion killed a zebra a mile away last night; no one worries about lions for they run away; it is the tamer kind that does the damage. Charlie is ploughing up a 40 acre field and a team of oxen break 3/4 acre per day at a total cost of 3/- per acre. He finds oxen cheaper than tractors and Canadian farm implements better than English ……."
Richardson 1929 - Arusha - "Coming back from the Boma I said to Remi 'I wonder where my cousin Charlie White lives! When who should I run into but C.W. himself. He is manager to G. North & Sons of Durban, dealers in Agricultural implements. ……."
Gazette - 10/2/1926 - Dissolution of Partnership between Thomas Louw and Charles Edward Moresby-White and John Moresby-White carrying on farming operations on 'Lindum Estate' in the Uasin Gishu District by the retirement of Thomas Louw.
Gazette - 10/3/1926 - Dissolution of Partnership between Charles Edward Moresby-White and John Moresby-White carrying on farming operations on 'Lindum Estate' in the Uasin Gishu District. Dissolved by mutual consent from 1 February 1926
Hut actually has C.E.M. White but I have entered as above.
Hut also has Moresby-White Lessos married to Mrs Watson née Noad
Red 31 has C.S. Moresby-White, Eldoret, Hut the same
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Plateau North - Charles Edward Moresby White, Farmer PO Soy

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