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Name: DROUGHT, T. E.
First Date: 1912
Area: Molo
Married: Veronica (Polish) d. 1947
Book Reference: Hut
General Information:
This is a muddle. It was Veronica who was the adopted dau of James Justinian Drought.
Buffalo Barua 2 - Drought's Scouts - We have received a number of letters in response to Ray Nightingale's original article - "My brother Ken married Veronica Maslovska who was one of Jack Drought's two adopted daughters. Jack 'adopted' the mother and two daughters some time during the second world war when they came out of Poland via Persia as refugees. They lived most of their lives at Kikambala until the girls grew up. Ken met Veronica in Mombasa and married in about 1952. Her sister Alex married Mike Hughes who had a farm in Mau Narok well into the 1960s. Veronica died of alleged liver failure when she was about 40 and Alex was widowed and bought a cattle ranch near Baringo I believe. Jack had moved to Malindi as he was very ill and lived with Ken and Veronica until he died but I cannot recall the year. The two girls inherited most of Jack's fortune but it was frittered away on bad businesses and high living. The only son of Ken and Veronica, Garth Braye, inherited what little there was left and has settled in S. Africa. Ken died in the UK some years ago. …. Sadly I believe all Jack's memoirs and books were stolen when Veronica died because she was alone in a house in Nakuru and was not found for several days by which time the house had been ransacked. Even the rings had been taken from her fingers. Foul play was suspected but Kenya Police never made any effort to investigate. - Nigel Braye"