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Name: TYLER, Edward H.
Birth Date: ?1866 Medway
First Date: 1908
Profession: Went to Uganda as General Manager of the Uganda Company Ltd., a pioneer cotton growing company which later grew into a vast concern
Book Reference: Gillett, Playne, North
School: AMICE
General Information:
Playne - The Uganda Company Ltd. - Formed in London, and opened business at Kampala in 1904. The company are the pioneers of cotton-growing in Uganda, and possess a capital of £100,000. ......... Mr E.H. Tyler AMICE, who came to Uganda in November 1908, is the general manager, and 12 Europeans and about 1000 natives are employed.
The Edward H. Tyler born in Medway was a tailor born 22 Aug 1866, d. 1934 Bridge, Kent. He was Edward Hartridge Tyler.