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Birth Date: 12 Aug 1872
Death Date: 24 Feb 1954 Nakuru
First Date: 1907
Profession: Farmer in the Lumbwa district over the years. He, his wife, 4 sons and a daughter built up a very prosperous concern
Area: Lumbwa district, 1930 Orange Grove, Lumbwa, 1937 Tangeseer Est. Kitale
Married: Bertha Fredrica Louise Greals b. 1876, d. 3 Mar 1972 Nakuru
Children: Harold John (11 May 1900 King William's Town, S. Africa); Alfred Douglas (31 July 1902 King William's Town); John Fredrick William (31.3.1910 Lumbwa-1972 Nakuru); one dau.
Book Reference: Gillett, EAWL, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Gazette, Campling. KAD, Land, HBEA, Leader14, Red Book 1912
General Information:
Memoirs of Maurice B. Tennent - Next to Harry Watts were the Usher Joneses (Mr & Mrs, a girl and 3 boys) and I would occasionally go and play tennis there of a Sunday.
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Lumbwa
Campling - John Usher-Jones was running transport out of Lumbwa. The Usher-Jones were an old Kenyan family who originally came to the country when it was still British East Africa in 1907 ….. The Usher-Jones family had one daughter and 4 sons, and had 3 trucks for the transport business, which had a contract to supply building materials for the tea factories which were opening up in Kericho, some 20 miles away. Two of the sons were doing the driving but they needed a third driver and so Keith [Campling] was given the job ………
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - John Usher Jones - Farmer - Lumbwa
St Paul's Church, Kipkelion in / loving memory / of / John Usher-Jones / born 12 Aug 1972 / died 24th Feb 1954
Nakuru North cemetery - :in loving memory / of / Bertha Fredrica Louise / Usher-Jones / died 3rd March 1972 / aged 92
Land 1909 - J.U. Jones - Grazing and agricultural, 2000 acres - Lumbwa-Kericho Road - 24/4/08 - Leasehold for 99 years - Registered 8/11/09
Gazette 1 Nov 1912 J. Usher Jones, Lumbwa, brands reg.
Red Book 1912 - J.N. Jones - Lumbwa