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Name: VAN DE VELDE, Marcel Arthur Maurice
Photo Source: W.A. Kempe photo album
Birth Date: 1879 Hampstead, London
Death Date: 2 Aug 1931 Isle of Wight
Nationality: British
First Date: 1903
Profession: Appointed Clerk in Colonial Audit Branch Exchequer in 1900 and was Asst. Auditor of EAP in 1903. 1909 became Auditor for Uganda, and in 1923 was Colonial Auditor, Kenya
Area: Uganda, Kenya. Red 25 - M.A.H. Van de Velde, Govt. Auditor, Nairobi, Mombasa
Married: In Paddington 1903 Helen Mary Cuthbert Lawson b. 1880 Newbury, Berks., d. 6 Nov 1957 Teignmouth, Devon
Book Reference: Gillett, SE, Cuckoo, EAHB 1905, Red 25, North, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1907, Leader14
War Service: 1916-19 Major with Military Audit Staff in EA. Mentioned in despatches
School: Mount St. Mary's College, Derbyshire
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