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Name: ZEUNER, W.
First Date: 1906
Profession: Manager of sisal estate of Deutsch-Englisch Ost Afrika Kompagnie 1906-8
Area: Voi, Mwatate
Book Reference: Playne, North
General Information:
Playne - Deutsch-Englische Ost Afrika Kompagnie - formed in 1906 in Berlin with entirely German capital. The company have a concession of 50 square miles at Kibwezi and 85 square miles at Voi, and both properties are controlled by Mr R.F.P. Huebner, the managing director. The Kibwezi property is under the management of G.R.O. Scheffler, who was formerly in the Cameroons and also the Royal Botanical Gardens at Berlin. .....…..
Playne - Deutsch-Englische Ost Afrika Kompagnie - manager at Voi