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Name: WADDELL, Alexander

Birth Date: 1849 Glasgow

Death Date: 10 March 1926 Plymouth

First Date: 1903

Last Date: 1926

Profession: Farmer. Took up land near original Kikuyu Station. Red 31 - EA Power & Lighting

Area: Kikuyu - Belvidere and Braidenhill farms

Married: 1. In Glasgow 3 Mar 1871 Agnes Dempster Shields b.1854 Glasgow, d. 21 Nov 1918 Glasgow; 2. Evelyn Glaholm b. 1867 Newcastle upon Tyne, d. 24 Nov 1952 Crailing, Roxburghshire

Children: 1. Agnes Sweeney; Alexander; Jane Gilmour; John Shields; Katherine; Marion; Mary; Robert

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, Land 1903, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, North, Playne, Land, Red 22, EAHB 1906, AJ, Gazette, Globe, Red Book 1912

General Information:

Gazette 3 Mar 1926 Alex Waddel [sic] 3 trunks unclaimed baggage Llandovery Castle
SE - A. Waddell - Kikuyu - Jan 1908
Land Grant 1903 - 'A Waddell - Agricultural - Outside railway zone, 345.29 acres, Within railway zone, 617.92 acres, Within railway zone, 321.19 acres. About 2000 acres - Kikuyu - March 11th - Leasehold.'
Playne - Belvidere and Braidenhill Farms - The smaller the farm the larger the proportionate number of acres under cultivation seems to be a pretty general rule in BEA. At Belvidere Farm 280 out of 300 acres are under cultivation, and at Braidenhill Farm 500 out of 700. Potatoes have been the chief crop up to the present, but wheat, oats, and barley are to be tried, and also fruit, coffee and English grasses. There are 2 streams and a little timber. A stone dwelling-house is in course of erection, and both farms, which are close to Kikuyu Station, will be fenced. Mr A. Waddell, the owner, employs about 30 natives.
Land - A. Waddell leased 6376 acres at Nakuru
Land - 1906 - A. Waddell - Agricultural, 774 acres - Kikuyu - 99 years lease from 1/1/1904 - Registered 21/5/1906
Land - 1911 - A. Waddell - Buildings, 9375 sq.ft. and 0.99 acre - Nakuru - 27/4/11 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/6/11 - Registered 13/11/11
Land - 1911 - A. Waddell - Grazing and agricultural, 6376.1 acres (Farm No. 1260) - East of Nakuru - 6/11/11 Leasehold under Occupation Licence for 2 to 99 years from 1/11/11 - Registered 14/12/11
Land - 1912 - A. Waddell - Grazing and agricultural, 591.6 acres - N.E. of Nakuru - 21/10/05 - Freehold - Freehold is granted under the terms of original agreement to make up 1000 acres - Registered 7/3/12
Land - 1912 - A. Waddell - Grazing and agricultural, 4062 acres - N.E. of Nakuru - 21/10/05 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/8/07 - Granted in exchange for original grant of 4650 acres in the names of A.H. and W.B. James now surrendered - Registered 7/3/12
Agricultural Journal - Brands Allotted and Registered, September 1908 - A. Waddell, Bradinhill, Kikuyu - Kiambu E2W
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Dagoretti - A. Waddell
The Globe Trotter 6/3/07 - Mr Waddell, a veritable Globe Trotter will shortly cast the dust of East Africa off his feet, but not forever. He likes B E Africa and will return ere long, what is more he is a man of large capital with extensive interests and faith in the country.
North - arr. EA from the Sudan via the River Nile route; Land Grant application, Kikuyu 11/2/1903; 'after some time in Mombasa departs for home via Cape Town' (EAS) 14/3/1903; at Kikuyu to settle 30/12/1903; Mombasa with wife on way to Kikuyu 14/1/1905; Firearms registered at Nairobi April-June 1905; Land Grant application Guasa Ngushu (Uasin Gishu) 1/11/1905
Red Book 1912 - A. Waddell - Nairobi
Gazette - 1/9/1926 - Probate and Administration - Alexander Waddell who died at Plymouth on 10 March 1926. Applied for by Evelyn Alexander Glaholm or Waddell of Palace, Jedburgh Scotland. Probate granted in Scotland
Nat Probate Calendar

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