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Name: CAMPBELL, Gavin, 5th Baron Stratheden. Hon.
Nee: bro of 4th Baron Stratheden and Campbell
Birth Date: 28 Aug 1901 Scotland
Death Date: 29 Oct 1987 Launceston, Tasmania
Profession: Staff officer Local Land Forces, Kenya and Uganda 1936-9
Area: Kitwamba, Njoro
Married: In Cranbrook, Kent 26 Apr 1933 Evelyn Mary Austen Smith b. 1911, d. 1980 (dau of Col. Herbert Austen Smith)
Children: Donald (4 Apr 1934-23 Oct 2011)
Book Reference: Debrett
War Service: WW2 KAR
School: Eton
General Information:
Major (retired) King's Royal Rifle Corps and Lieut.-Col. 19th (Kenya) Batn. K.A.R.; WW2 in Abyssinia and Madagascar