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Name: WALLIS, Henry Richard CMG, CBE

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Birth Date: 1866 Darlington

Death Date: 6 Mar 1946 Cheltenham

First Date: 1913

Profession: Chief Secretary, Uganda Administration

Married: 1906 Jane Robina Agnew Wallace [sic] b. 3 July 1870 Kilmonivaig, Inverness, d. 1 Feb 1951 Cheltenham, nurse

Children: one son; one dau.

Book Reference: Gillett, Debrett, Curtis, Who's Who

General Information:

He compiled the Handbook of Uganda, 1920
Debrett - appointed Vice-Consul at Fort Johnston 1897, 1st class Assist., British Central Africa Protectorate 1898, Acting Ch. Judicial Officer 1899, Consul, Mozambique 1901, Vice-Consul at Tete 1901, Acting Dep. Commr. BCA Protectorate 1902, Assist. Dep. Commr. 1904, Acting Commr. and Com.-in-Ch. 1905, Assist. Dep. Gov. 1907, Acting Dep. Gov. and Sec to Govt. 1907, and Acting Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. 1910; was Assist. Dep. Gov. Nyasaland Protectorate 1904-11, since when he has been Ch. Sec. of Uganda; acted as Gov. 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, and 1917-18; retired 1918; has 1914 star and 2 medals, and Order of Crown of Belgium
Curtis - p. 133 - 'Ten Years Later' - On board the Clement Hill on Lake Victoria in 1912 - ' ...... We got into Entebbe about 11.30 and Mr Wallas [sic], the Colonial Secretary, kindly came on to the boat to meet us, and took us up to his house in rickshaws.
Nat Probate Calendar
Northern Echo Saturday 24 June 1911, page 5. C.M.G. conferred upon a native of Darlington. It transpires that amongst the recipients of recent coronation honours is a Darlington man, Mr Henry Richard Wallis, upon whom the King has conferred the honour of C.M.G.
Mr Wallis was born at Eastbourne, Darlington about 40 years ago. He was the son of the late Mr Stephen Wallis, who for many years carried on a tailoring business in Prebend-row, a business still continued by one of his sons.
Mr Henry Richard Wallis was educated in Darlington under the late Mr William Ferguson at the old Bank Top School. He adopted the teaching profession, and after two years spent in Borough-rd College, London, occupied several appointments in secondary schools. He entered the civil service and at present occupies a high Government position in Nyassa Central Africa. Mr Wallis is at present in this country representing Nyassa at the Coronation festivities. A week ago he paid a visit to his friends and relatives in Darlington.

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